How to Maintain Your Wood-Burning Fireplace Part 2

fireplace tools for saleFireplace maintenance is important for preserving the life of your fireplace. An annual chimney cleaning should be done to clear away soot and debris, but maintaining your fireplace should be something you do regularly along with use of your fireplace. There are things you can do when you use your fireplace to make sure it burns efficiently and does not produce excessive soot and debris.

  • Clean Ash from Fireplace – When ash reaches the bottom of your grate, it can impede airflow and can produce more smoke and soot in your chimney. Clear away ash when too much is in the fireplace. A good rule of thumb is to leave at least an inch of ash to more easily maintain a fire.
  • Test Your Fireplace – Lighting some small pieces of well-seasoned wood will help you test the performance of your fireplace. If smoke fills your room instead of exiting through the chimney, some immediate troubleshooting will need to take place. There may be something visibly blocking the way of the chimney; a closed damper or wet wood can all cause this to happen.
  • Burn Only Seasoned Wood – Wood should be cut and dried for 6 to 12 months under cover before being burned in a fireplace. A meter can be used to find out the amount of moisture in a piece of wood. Wood that registers less than 20% is perfect for your fireplace. Fresh or “green” wood will not burn as thoroughly and will create more soot and debris in your chimney and fireplace.

It helps to have the right tools to maintain your fireplace while it is in operation and after your fire is out. If you would like to see a great selection of fireplace tools for sale, Adams Fireplace Shop has hundreds of antique and vintage fireplace tools for sale online and in store at our Cambridge, Massachusetts store. Visit us in person or shop online today at

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